HW Farm project (c) Dmitry Grigoryev, 2020 Released under the terms of GNU AGPLv3 Usage terms 1. Definitions. The "service" consists in providing remote access to hardware via the website. The "user" is anyone accessing the website providing the service. The "operator" is the person or organisation running the service. 2. Disclamer of warranty. The service is provided "as is". The operator expressely disclaims any warranties, duties and conditions with respect to the provided service, including, but not limited to, claims of quality, absense of defects, and fitness for a purpose. The operator shall not be liable for any losses or damages that arise from using the service, as far as permitted by law. 3. Data protection. The operator does not require users to submit any personal data to use the service, and reserves the right to analyze submitted data for various puposes, including quality improvement and detection of abuse, which may include publishing the data or transmitting it to third parties. Users have the duty of care not to submit any personal data, or data which they have no right or intention to disclose, while using the service. 4. Intended use. The service is provided for the purpose of testing the hardware in its normal operation conditions. Users are not allowed to submit data with the intention to produce physical damage to the hardware or otherwise make it unavailable for other users. End of usage terms.